Workshops und Schulungen
Knowledge multiplies when you share it 💡 Our mentoring sessions, valuable workshops and training courses enable you to successfully implement digitalisation, turn investments into a sustainable transformation and develop value-adding digital products and services. We support and teach practical UX tools that have proven their worth in our customer projects.
Our best-of Workshops

Workshop in Präsenz
Von der Produktvision zur Produktstrategie – mit dem Value Proposition & Business Model Canvas
In diesem dreiteiligen Präsenz-Workshop entdecken Sie die Kraft der beiden mächtigsten Business-Design-Tools nach Alexander Osterwalder Sie lernen, wie Sie Kundenbedürfnisse und echten Nutzen präzise definieren. Erarbeiten Sie eine Produktvision und leiten sie daraus profitable digitale Geschäftsmodelle ab. Mit praktischen Übungen und direkter Anwendung auf Ihr eigenes Projekt verwandeln Sie Ideen in tragfähige Geschäftskonzepte.
Ideal für: Produktmanager:innen und Innovationsverantwortliche, die Geschäftsmodelle systematisch entwickeln und optimieren möchten.

Workshop in Präsenz
Agiles Arbeiten mit Scrum - Von den Grundlagen bis zur erfolgreichen Implementierung
In diesem dreiteiligen Präsenz-Workshop begleiten wir Sie und Ihr Team bei der praktischen Anwendung von Scrum. Über die Module "Agiles Arbeiten", "Scrum Framework" und "Scrum in der Praxis" erhalten Sie das komplette Handwerkszeug - von den agilen Grundwerten bis zur erfolgreichen Implementierung. Ideal für Teams und Führungskräfte, die Scrum einführen oder optimieren möchten. Profitieren Sie von praxisnahen Übungen und konkreten Lösungen für Ihren Arbeitsalltag.
Ideal für: Führungskräfte, Teamleiter, Projektmanager und deren Teams, angehende Product Owner und Scrum Master.

Product Owner Mentoring - Management of IT projects
Many organisations are increasingly adopting agile approaches. In the workshop, we will focus on the role of the product owner, on value delivery through strategic prioritisation and increment planning, and on the effective management of implementation through roadmaps. Based on the workshop, an accompanying mentoring is offered to accompany product owners in their projects.

Product Owner Mentoring - Management of IT projects
Many organisations are increasingly adopting agile approaches. In the workshop, we will focus on the role of the product owner, on value delivery through strategic prioritisation and increment planning, and on the effective management of implementation through roadmaps. Based on the workshop, an accompanying mentoring is offered to accompany product owners in their projects.

Tip 🙌 for Mentoring
As a project or team leader, do you need support with your project? We are certified Scrum Product Owner® and Scrum Master® (Scrum Alliance) and offer a proven mentoring program. Knowledge transfer at its best! Our mentors will support you in the successful implementation of your project.

Development of digital business models.
Develop a digital product or service from an idea. Understand and learn to apply the basic principles of the Lean Startup and Business Model Canvas - incl. prototyping session.
Next workshop: 30-31 March 2023
2-day workshop in Berlin Mitte @fa Greenhaus
Seats: fully booked
We will inform about the next dates shortly.

Development of digital business models.
Develop a digital product or service from an idea. Understand and learn to apply the basic principles of the Lean Startup and Business Model Canvas - incl. prototyping session.
Termin und Preis auf Anfrage
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Space for digital transformation
Whether it's a workshop, a spontaneous chat over a coffee or a project space for our freelancers - located in Berlin Mitte, you'll find our light-flooded oasis where digital transformation and new work happen every day. The space adapts and can be shaped - here we can work in a concentrated way, try out processes in teams, build and test prototypes, be inspired, feel comfortable and exchange ideas.
We cordially invite you to visit us in our fa Greenhouse.